1 Introduction - the most beautiful scenery
My personal column, to which these words are the introduction, will appear weekly, consisting of a photograph taken with my cell phone camera and a few reflections on various aspects of daily life. My modest goal is to document things we constantly see but rarely give them a thought. The little camera, present always, will be an aid in observing discreetly the commonplace and revealing it in a new light.
At least two days a week, during the warm summer months, I walk along the beach at sunset. Our sunsets as seen from the beach of Sdot Yam revealing the sun sinking into the sea, are the most beautiful. At the end of his book "The Little Prince", Antoine de Saint Exupéry drew scenery of two lines (and a star), and declared it to be the most beautiful scenery in the world. For me the most beautiful sight is the sunset in the sea. I have seen hundreds and I will never get enough of them.