71 Early Evening in Tel Aviv
Every Tuesday in the early evening, I go to Tel Aviv. I always enter the city at the same hour, but in every season of the year that is a completely different time. In winter I begin my trip in the dark, and when I arrive in Tel Aviv it seems to me that night has already fallen on the city. As the days grow longer darkness descends while I am still on my way, and evening begins as I enter the city. In summer, on the other hand, my journey begins in the middle of the day, in blinding sunlight, and even when I park my car in the big city, full daylight continues to flood the streets.
This picture was taken in the middle of July, slightly after 6 PM. As yet there is complete daylight, and a bright sun burns diagonally in the sky. The shadow in the picture is misleading, because the light pouring down from the narrow strip between the trees caused the closure of the camera's automatic shutter, and the feeling of dimness and haze. The front window of the car, through which the picture was taken, also contributed to this effect and that explains the vague and dreamy feeling, a feeling which increases when one notices that there is no one in the street. The car on the road also looks to be frozen in hazy time.
I like roads that are lined on both sides with big trees. Such was my street, until wisecrackers of the local council accepted the bad advice of the electric company and the bat haters, and pruned the Ficus trees viciously until all that remained of them were bare trunks.
I like the symmetrical perspective that such avenues create. Note the diagonal lines created by the parked cars at the sides of the road and the narrow opening of the upper triangle of light. Note also the vanishing point to which our gaze is directed. It is above the upper left corner of the car traveling in front of me. It is rather strange to find a house there that blocks the continuation of the middle of the road line. The movement to infinity stops immediately.
Notice the light reflected from the road and the shine of the cars on the left. The sun is in front and somewhat to the right. Here is the Tel Aviv of a dream at the magical hour of late evening.