4 I like coffee
I like coffee – at least two cups a day – prepared in a Bialti Brikka Espresso Maker, and sometimes by placing a simple filter on the cup, if I want the coffee as a hot drink and not as a concentrated one. I buy my coffee at the coffee shop in Gan Shmuel Center – 500 gram of "Coffee of the House" to which I add 100 gram of a kind of coffee beans that add a deeper color and coarser texture. I grind the coffee beans in a simple knife grinder (the experts use a coffee mill) just before using them.
I like the smell of the coffee and enjoy the process of preparing it. I once received a present of an expensive Espresso Machine, but decided to do without it, because I could not part with my Brikka. I can hardly bear instant coffee and I always wonder how so many Israelis abroad long for this insipid instant coffee they became accustomed to in their youth. To my joy, the coffee culture has developed considerably in the past decade. I noticed this revolution when I worked in Tel Aviv near "Ilan's Café" and "Café Joe", and would stop by often to be amazed at the remarkable variety and the intoxicating aroma, as well as by new ways of preparing coffee. On my way home from the swimming pool I briefly park my motorcycle next to the coffee house and return home with two bags of the black treasure whose taste is heaven.