5 Swimming - then and now
This is my swimming pool. That is to say the pool I swim in summer and winter – 40 lengths and now with Training Fins even 50–60. I swim three styles very well. Once I was an excellent swimmer.
Yes, once I was the regional breast stroke champion in a tough region that included, among others, strong teams of Na'an, Giv'at Brenner, Kvutzat Schiller, Hatzor and Kfar Menachem. And one summer I even trained with Romania's butterfly swimming champion. He was in our Ulpan and took upon himself the training of our swimming team. Just imagine, one summer we were champions in the prevailing communist style – personal discipline and hard work. But what I learned from Karol when I was l4–l5 years old, I never forgot. For instance, that with professional training and hard work there is no limit to what can be achieved. Only two violin teachers taught me more than that, but that is another story.